Sara's CJD journey

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sara's Memorial.

I'd like to share information regarding Sara's Memorial.

On Saturday, October 3 2009 at 11am we will gather at the Cannon Beach Presbyterian church to remember Sara Fasoldt's live and spirit.

A reception will follow the service in the community room of the church and will end around 2:30pm.

A banquet dinner will be served at the Elks Club in Seaside and will begin at 4:30pm. Every person is welcome to the memorial, reception and banquet.

If you'd like to RSVP, if you'd like specific information or if you'd like to speak to Dave Fasoldt, please call me at (206) 941 8737.

On Sunday, October 4th the extended family and select guests are invited to gather at the "River House" for a brunch and gathering starting at 11am.